Breakfast Pockets


Inspired to recreate one more item from one of the bakeries I worked at, I bring you these pockets. Filled with anything you typically would eat with a fork at breakfast time. But wrapped in dough and totally portable.


Filling (pre-cooked, scrambled, sautéed, fried, baked etc. Bacon, eggs, cheese, potatoes, sausage, ham, veggies)


Pizza dough (store bought is great and usually is enough for two)

Prepare your fillings. This can even be done the night before allowing for plenty of baking and eating time in the morning. Roll your dough into rectangles. Fill them up. Roll them up. Slather with some olive oil, salt and herbs. Bake at 400 until it looks like a pizza crust color you’d eat.


BreakfastKelli Van Noppen